How to make a local environment on Arch for Jekyll blog dev

Jekyll On Arch

In order to have the ability to work locally on this blog, a few things are necessary. As I forget them all every time I need to reconfigure my computer, I ll go through them here.

Note that SVG for banners can be found here

Side A : Arch

First of all, install Ruby. Usually ERB is included but not this time ( or not here at least ) so the package ruby-erb is also needed. Base-devel is needed for compilations.

sudo pacman -S ruby base-devel ruby-erb
# is this overkill ?
sudo pacman -S libffi zlib openssl readline libyaml gdbm

Side B : Jekyll

Now that Ruby is correctly set up on our system, just a bit of config and we can launch the server. From within the jekyll folder

# Install the needed gems
gem install bundler

# Add bundle tools to the PATH. In .zshrc add
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.2.0/bin

# To avoid permissions issue we need to set a directory for bundle to install the needed gems
mkdir ~/Documents/ruby/
bundle config path ~/Documents/ruby

# Then install 
bundle install
bundle update

# And finally launch the local server
bundle exec jekyll serve